Want to volunteer?
As a volunteer, you will greet people at the Stonewall DFL booth, as well as discuss membership with Stonewall, promoting our newsletter, and providing broad information about Stonewall DFL endorsed candidates and DFL highlights, at large.
2024 Pride Events
8/10/2024- Iron Pride- Virginia
8/10/2024- Fargo-Moorhead Pride
8/18/2024- Minnesota POC Pride
8/24/2024- Grand Forks Pride
8/31/2024- Carver County Pride
9/7/2024- South Central Pride
9/7/2024- La Crosse Pride
9/14/2024- Brainerd Lakes Pride
9/21/2024- Columbia Heights Pride
9/21/2024- Saint Cloud Pride
9/22/2024- Bloomington Pride
10/5/2024- Austin Pride
Can't Make it? Donate!
We couldn't do all of these wonderful outreach events without the kind support of donors like you. Please consider a gift to help us reach more Prides across Minnesota.

DFL Unit Leaders
We are always looking to partner with local DFL units whether it's sharing a tent or getting more volunteers. It's more cost-effective to share resources and volunteers and helps spread the message of the statewide DFL party. Please reach out to [email protected] for more information.