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Outreach & Inclusion is Our Mission

Stonewall DFL represents the DFL in the LGBTQ community and represents the LGBTQ community in the DFL.

As the official LGBTQ outreach arm of the DFL, we participate in Pride and other events in every corner of the state – educating and registering voters, promoting our endorsed candidates, and creating a pipeline for LGBTQ people to get involved in the DFL Party.

We remind the Party of – and help it fulfill – its obligations of outreach and inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people.

Find out more about the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor party here.

Belong to Something Greater!

Stonewall DFL members have voting privileges at all membership meetings and committee meetings; this includes voting for candidate endorsements.

The entire membership generally meets once or twice a year, electing the board of directors which meets monthly. Members are encouraged to be active with our six standing committees which meet with varying schedules. All meetings are public and guests are welcome.


2021 Candidate Collage

Electing Champions for our Community

Stonewall DFL works for a safe and equitable Minnesota by endorsing and electing LGBTQ and allied candidates for public office in and in the Minnesota DFL Party. Our endorsements are important to many Minnesotans who seek our advice choosing candidates that will champion issues impacting the LGBTQ community.

Social Media

Stonewall DFL
Stonewall DFL2 weeks ago
Stonewall DFL condemns violence and escalating rhetoric in all of its forms, especially when it is weaponized within the context of our democratic process. We will continue our work both within and outside of the DFL to build a politics that is safe for all to participate in.
Stonewall DFL
Stonewall DFL2 weeks ago
Pride still continues! Please stop by to visit us at West Saint Paul, Owatonna, and Two Harbors today!
Stonewall DFL
Stonewall DFL3 weeks ago
💕 Sponsor appreciation post 💕
Hunter’s Handmades
Itasca Pride
Stonewall DFL
Xcel Energy
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