2019 Stonewall DFL Annual Membership Meeting Announcement
Stonewall DFL invites all LGBTQ people and allies who support the DFL to its 2019 Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, January 12, 2019 from Noon to 3:30 pm at Macalester College.
At this meeting we will meet candidates for office, elect a new board and officers, approve updates to our constitution, and consider endorsements for public and DFL party office. Additionally, we will present the 2019 Allan Spear Award.
Macalester College – Olin-Rice Hall, Room 250
Building and parking marked at this map. Follow signage in Olin-Rice.
Site is accessible, free parking, and transit service via the A Line and local buses.
The Annual Meeting is open to the public, and guests are welcome. Voting is limited to members in good standing. The first meeting of the newly elected board will take place shortly after the Annual Meeting ends.
Submit dues for 2019 membership no later than Wednesday, January 2, 2019 (10-day rule). Dues received after December 15, 2018 count toward the 2019 term. Any 2018 Stonewall DFL members in good standing may renew their membership on the day of the meeting.
2018 Membership Levels:
- Patron: $250
- Sponsor: $125
- General: $35
- New Member: $25
- Student/Senior/Low Income: $15
- Dues waiver: $0 - Please contact Stonewall DFL caucus chair, Erica Mauter at elmauter@gmail.com
New Members: be sure to submit your dues no later than January 2 in order to vote at the Annual Meeting.
Additional contributions are appreciated. 100% of our membership dues go toward LGBTQ outreach and electing LGBTQ and allied candidates to all levels of office across Minnesota.
If you're interested in running for an officer or director position, you are encouraged to screen with the Nominations Committee for recommendation. Fill out this questionnaire and contact Del Jenkins for more information, deljenkins@yahoo.com. You may also be nominated at the meeting without screening.
Candidates and elected officials, please contact Erica Mauter at elmauter@gmail.com to be added to the agenda.
Noon - 1:00 pm Social hour & registration*
Refreshments & light snacks served
1:00 pm Call to Order
1:00 - 3:30 pm^ Annual Meeting (see agenda)
3:45 - 4:15 pm^ Newly elected board of directors meeting
*Registration will be open for the duration of the meeting
^Approximate times
Proposed Agenda
(Updated 12/19/18)
- Reading of the Outreach & Inclusion Statement
- Welcome/introductions
- Election of meeting chair
- Approval of the agenda
- Approval of 2018 minutes
- January Annual Membership Meeting
- June State Convention Membership Meeting
- Presentation of 2018 Allan Spear Award
- 2018 officer reports
- 2018 committee reports
- Speakers as recognized (2 mins/each)*
- Credentials report #1
- Discussion/approval of standing rules^ LINK
- Endorsement votes [Requests may be taken on the day of the meeting]
- Credentials report #2
- Reading of the Outreach and Inclusion Reminder Statement
- 2018 officer elections (all 1-year terms)
- Chair
- Two Vice Chairs
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Membership Director
- 2018 at-large director elections
- Adjournment
*Speakers will be recognized throughout the meeting during lulls in business or debate on motions.
Members in good standing may request that a motion to endorse for public office or state DFL party office be added to the agenda no later than January 2. The agenda may also be amended during the “Approval of the agenda” item with a majority vote, or after it has been approved with a 2/3 supermajority vote.
The 2019 Political Support Committee will develop a questionnaire to consider endorsements for candidates for public office. The annual meeting is not the only opportunity to be considered for Stonewall DFL’s endorsement, it is just the first.
Email elmauter@gmail.com to be included on the printed and published agenda no later than January 9.
The meeting room is wheelchair accessible. If you require large print, amplified sound, or other accommodations, please contact Sam and Erica: sdoten50@gmail.com and elmauter@gmail.com
We want to ensure that all LGBTQ people are able to participate as their authentic selves. We will have all-gender restrooms and pronoun stickers, and misgendering is not tolerated. All people will self-identify for purposes of gender balanced elections (no more than half of directors may be of one gender; vice chairs must be different genders). Please let us know if there are ways we can do better.
Note: we are an all volunteer organization. Patience, kindness, and at times understanding are appreciated.
No recording devices please.