Become a Stonewall DFL Member!
Stonewall DFL members have voting privileges at all membership meetings and committee meetings; this includes voting for candidate endorsements.
The entire membership generally meets once or twice a year, electing the board of directors which meets monthly. Members are encouraged to be active with our six standing committees which meet with varying schedules. All meetings are public and guests are welcome.
Watch our calendar for upcoming events!
Membership Levels:
- Patron: $250
- Sponsor: $125
- General: $35
- New Member: $25
- Student/Senior/Low Income: $15
- Dues waiver: $0 - Please contact the Stonewall DFL caucus chair at [email protected]
Additional contributions are appreciated. 100% of our membership dues go toward LGBTQ outreach and electing LGBTQ and allied candidates to all levels of office across Minnesota.
Pay Dues Here
Membership periods are based on the calendar year and reset in December at the time the January Annual Meeting is announced. Please renew your dues to participate in the Annual Meeting.
Resources for Members
Endorsement Process
Stonewall DFL Constitution
Stonewall DFL Bylaws
Stonewall DFL Membership Meeting Standing Rules
Join a Caucus Committee
- Political Support Committee: review candidate questionnaires, interview candidates, recommend endorsements, coordinate electoral support and GOTV
- Membership Committee: manage membership engagement and outreach activities
- Pride Committee: plan Stonewall DFL participation in various Pride events across Minnesota
- Fundraising Committee: hold events to raise funds for Stonewall DFL and for endorsed candidates
- Communications Committee: manage social media, email, website, and press
- Constitution & Bylaws Committee: review and improve governing rules and procedures